Saturday, February 21, 2009

JSR-310 javax.time and Groovy Tests

The development and implementation of JSR-310 is continuing to move ahead at a good pace. Once delivered, (hopefully by JDK 7) the java community will have a solid replacement for the outdated and comparatively buggy Date and Calendar classes. At the same time, I have created a series of groovy tests that exercise the JSR-310 capabilities.

Formal unit tests for JSR-310 are written in testng and cover all the low level details including TimeZone resolving, serialization, etc. My tests simply verify a subset of the current API and demonstrate use with groovy. The tests cover the basic API, adjusters, matchers, peroids, formatters and parsers. This post demonstrates the basic tests.

Basic API Tests: These tests take advantage of groovy's invokeMethod() to test methods that take zero or more parameters. They demonstrate typical use of TimeSource, Clock, LocalDate, and LocalTime classes. With these basics it's easy to extend to LocalDateTime, OffsetDate, OffsetTime, or ZonedDateTime. Here is the output trace generated from running BasicTests.groovy:

TimeSource to Date/Calendar conversion tests ---------------------------------------
Timesource.system().instant() -> {ts.instant()}
Clock Method Tests ----------------------------------------------------------------
clock = Clock.systemDefaultZone() -> TimeSourceClock[SystemTimeSource, America/Los_Angeles]
Clock methods...
method: clock.getSource() -> SystemTimeSource
method: clock.getZone() -> America/Los_Angeles
method: -> 2009-02-21
method: clock.tomorrow() -> 2009-02-22
method: clock.yesterday() -> 2009-02-20
method: clock.dateTime() -> 2009-02-21T08:56:35.512
method: clock.dateTimeToMinute() -> 2009-02-21T08:56
method: clock.dateTimeToSecond() -> 2009-02-21T08:56:35
method: clock.time() -> 08:56:35.515
method: clock.timeToMinute() -> 08:56
method: clock.timeToSecond() -> 08:56:35
method: clock.offsetDate() -> 2009-02-21-08:00
method: clock.offsetTime() -> 08:56:35.517-08:00
method: clock.offsetTimeToMinute() -> 08:56-08:00
method: clock.offsetTimeToSecond() -> 08:56:35-08:00
method: clock.offsetDateTime() -> 2009-02-21T08:56:35.518-08:00
method: clock.zonedDateTime() -> 2009-02-21T08:56:35.521-08:00 America/Los_Angeles
method: clock.zonedDateTimeToMinute() -> 2009-02-21T08:56-08:00 America/Los_Angeles
method: clock.zonedDateTimeToSecond() -> 2009-02-21T08:56:35-08:00 America/Los_Angeles
method: clock.year() -> Year=2009
method: clock.yearMonth() -> 2009-02

OffsetDate methods from offsetDate = clock.offsetDate() -> 2009-02-21-08:00
method: offsetDate.atMidnight() -> 2009-02-21T00:00-08:00
method: offsetDate.getDayOfMonth() -> 21
method: offsetDate.getDayOfWeek() -> DayOfWeek=SATURDAY
method: offsetDate.getDayOfYear() -> 52
method: offsetDate.getMonthOfYear() -> MonthOfYear=FEBRUARY
method: offsetDate.getYear() -> 2009
method: offsetDate.toDayOfMonth() -> DayOfMonth=21
method: offsetDate.toDayOfWeek() -> DayOfWeek=SATURDAY
method: offsetDate.toDayOfYear() -> DayOfYear=52
method: offsetDate.toLocalDate() -> 2009-02-21
method: offsetDate.toMonthOfYear() -> MonthOfYear=FEBRUARY
method: offsetDate.toYear() -> Year=2009
method: offsetDate.getDate() -> 2009-02-21

LocalDate methods from localDate =, 03, 01) -> 2019-03-01
method: localDate.atMidnight() -> 2019-03-01T00:00
method: localDate.getDayOfMonth() -> 1
method: localDate.getDayOfWeek() -> DayOfWeek=FRIDAY
method: localDate.getDayOfYear() -> 60
method: localDate.getMonthOfYear() -> MonthOfYear=MARCH
method: localDate.getYear() -> 2019
method: localDate.toDayOfMonth() -> DayOfMonth=1
method: localDate.toDayOfWeek() -> DayOfWeek=FRIDAY
method: localDate.toDayOfYear() -> DayOfYear=60
method: localDate.toLocalDate() -> 2019-03-01
method: localDate.toMonthOfYear() -> MonthOfYear=MARCH
method: localDate.toYear() -> Year=2019
method: localDate.getMonthDay() -> --03-01
method: localDate.getYearMonth() -> 2019-03
method: localDate.isLeapYear() -> false
method: localDate.toEpochDays() -> 17956
method: localDate.toModifiedJulianDays() -> 58543
method: localDate.toDateTimeFields() -> {ISO.Year=2019, ISO.MonthOfYear=3, ISO.DayOfMonth=1}

LocalTime methods, from localTime = clock.time() -> 08:56:35.549
method: localTime.getHourOfDay() -> 8
method: localTime.getMinuteOfHour() -> 56
method: localTime.getSecondOfMinute() -> 35
method: localTime.toDateTimeFields() -> {ISO.HourOfDay=8, ISO.MinuteOfHour=56, ISO.SecondOfMinute=35, ISO.NanoOfSecond=549000000}
method: localTime.toHourOfDay() -> HourOfDay=8
method: localTime.toLocalTime() -> 08:56:35.549
method: localTime.toMinuteOfHour() -> MinuteOfHour=56
method: localTime.toSecondOfMinute() -> SecondOfMinute=35
method: localTime.getNanoOfSecond() -> 549000000
method: localTime.toNanoOfSecond() -> NanoOfSecond=549000000
method: localTime.toNanoOfDay() -> 32195549000000
End basic tests...
Close inspection reveals that some methods in LocalDate are missing in OffsetDate. This isn't a huge problem, because OffsetDate can easily create a LocalDate object. But, it would be nice to have isLeapYear(), toEpochDays(), toModifiedJulianDays() and other methods in both classes. (This may already be in the works)...

Here is a simple way to access some of the missing methods:

offsetDate = clock.offsetDate()
// or, even groovyer
Conclusion: What these tests really do is to demonstrate the basic functionality of the new javax.time classes. It's obvious that JSR-310 offers the horsepower missing from the current java implementations. And, it will be a very useful addition to the groovy toolkit as well.

Future posts will demonstrate the Adjusters, Matchers, Periods, Formatters and Parsers. Once the tests are cleaned up a bit, I'll post them on line.

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